Saturday, May 25, 2019

News about Shambhala and Nirvana

Shambhala and Nirvana are re-created.  I will post here, include some pictures and include the link to videos taken from the sacred sites.  I am very excited to be back.  Nirvana is at the summit, while Shambhala has a new location. This comment is being written on 5/25/19, so pictures of the huge snowfall are from earlier in the year.

As much as I like living 2 blocks from the beach, Shambhala and Nirvana provide an environment that de-stresses me. I thank all of the people who had an opportunity to experience Shambhala who shared their experience via AirBnB.  I hope to be able to provide the AirBnB experience again in the near future.